Better understanding social media’s value

Are you confused on just how to measure the value of your company’s social media? Don’t worry about it because you are not alone. While there is a lot of information out there in regards to the subject, it is something that experts still don’t necessarily agree on.

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More productive meetings with

Meetings that result in little more than wasted hours are counter-productive and a surprisingly large drain on resources. After all, if your best people are spending the majority of their working day locked in a meeting room, drinking endless cups of coffee, making copious notes, and yet leaving with little or nothing to show for […]

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Adding value to a business with data

It’s one thing to look at and collect your business’s data, but how do you actually go about turning that wealth of information into something meaningful you can use as a force to propel your organization on to bigger and better things? Data mining can be a daunting task, and may well make a regular […]

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Turning blogging into a business asset

People want to read your blog. You may not think it’s true, but the fact of the matter is that someone somewhere is looking for information on a subject you know inside and out. Of course, this information has to be presented in way that is engaging and unique to stand out and catch people’s […]

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