Fileless malware is back, are you at risk?

How many times have you read a shocking headline, only to find the attached article incredibly underwhelming? Over the last several weeks headlines decrying the threat of “fileless malware” have been everywhere, but the truth is a little less scary.

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WordPress websites under attack

It’s no surprise that millions of websites are on WordPress — it’s easy to manage, operates on an open source framework, and covers most webmasters’ Content Management Solutions (CMS) needs. What’s also no surprise? That it’s prone to attacks.

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Why patches are failing to secure Windows 7

Kicking off the three-year countdown to end extended user support, Microsoft is bringing an end to the Windows 7 era — and for good reason. Because it’s so outdated, security patches are no longer able to keep it safe. Without a solid operating system, not only will users work at sluggish speeds, but they’ll also […]

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Chrome and Safari: hackers’ newest tools

Filling out web forms often seems like an unbearably monotonous obstacle that gets in the way of online shopping, booking a plane ticket, and doing other types of online registration. With many of today’s transactions done online, people have become accustomed to relying on their browsers’ autofill function to save time.

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Stolen iPads susceptible to security flaw

There’s nothing worse than hardware vulnerabilities that put even the most cautious of users at risk. We could lecture you about how even unimportant tablets with little to no personal information are still a security liability, but until Apple releases a patch to the iPad’s newest vulnerability, everyone who owns one is at risk of […]

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Gooligan virus attacks Android users

If you own an older Android, you might have already experienced the impact of the Gooligan Malware virus. Since August, the infection has struck an estimated 1.3 million Android phones, and it shows no signs of stopping. For those unaware of the Gooligan strain, here are a few key details you need to know right […]

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New cyber-threats in 2017 to watch out for

The New Year is upon us, and with it comes a new batch of cyber threats. As advances are made in the world of technology, businesses anticipate changes that can make life more convenient. But, like snakes slithering into your home, cyber attackers also keep up with technological changes for their own nefarious ends.

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Protect yourself from this iPhone video bug

Although iPhone bugs and malware are typically unheard of, there’s one circulating the web that you should be aware of right now. The bug, which was discovered in Reddit, is a brief, five-second video that when played causes your iPhone to freeze and ultimately crash.

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Android backdoor poses huge security risk

An issue has recently been identified with Android devices that may put users at risk of being exposed to a massive data security breach. A backdoor in Android devices and operating software makes it possible for personal data to be transmitted and viewed by people in China.

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