
Costly business continuity plan mistakes to steer clear of

A solid business continuity plan (BCP) is crucial for safeguarding your company against potential disruptions and ensuring resilience in the face of unexpected events. However, business continuity errors can occur and jeopardize your organization’s survival.

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Protecting your SMB from cyberattacks: Know your enemy

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often face challenges in protecting their IT systems from cyberattacks. One of the most important steps that SMBs can take to solve such issues is to be aware of the most common ways their systems can be breached.

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Learn How Microsoft 365 Copilot Is Going to Transform M365 Apps

Advanced AI is a new buzzword in cloud computing. The launch of tools like ChatGPT and Bard have made big waves. Developers are now racing to introduce the next level of features to apps. Features that do part of your work for you. Such as writing emails or making follow-up checklists based on contact data.

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Optimizing cloud costs for business success

Cloud computing offers unparalleled benefits in terms of scalability, flexibility, and accessibility to businesses worldwide. However, without careful cost management, cloud adoption can lead to unexpected expenses that may strain your budget. Here are some tips that business owners like you can implement to minimize cloud costs without compromising on performance.

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How to engage audiences through video content

Video marketing has emerged as a powerful strategy for promoting brands, services, and products and achieving various goals, such as driving sales, increasing social media engagement, boosting website traffic, collecting email signups, and enhancing customer service.

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A guide to eliminating clutter on your PC

Managing clutter on your desktop and hard drive is essential for maintaining peak computer performance. In this article, we will explore five common types of PC clutter that can slow down your computer and make it challenging to locate files. We’ll also provide you with practical tips to effectively eliminate this digital junk, streamlining your […]

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Is Your Online Shopping App Invading Your Privacy?

Online shopping has become a common activity for many people. It’s convenient, easy, and allows us to buy items from the comfort of our homes. But with the rise of online shopping, there are concerns about privacy and security. Not all shopping apps are created equally.

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Important cybersecurity terms every business owner should know

As technology advances, so do the risks associated with cyberthreats. Understanding basic cybersecurity terms is essential for business owners to protect their assets, data, and reputation. In the following sections, we’ll explore key cybersecurity terms and concepts that every business owner should be familiar with.

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