
Gooligan virus attacks Android users

If you own an older Android, you might have already experienced the impact of the Gooligan Malware virus. Since August, the infection has struck an estimated 1.3 million Android phones, and it shows no signs of stopping. For those unaware of the Gooligan strain, here are a few key details you need to know right […]

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Android backdoor poses huge security risk

An issue has recently been identified with Android devices that may put users at risk of being exposed to a massive data security breach. A backdoor in Android devices and operating software makes it possible for personal data to be transmitted and viewed by people in China.

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Cool ways to repurpose your Android tablet

It doesn’t take long for your stylish new electronic device to become just another outdated model in the waste pile. Your once-fresh Android tablet might have done its due a long time ago, but there’s no need to discard it. There are many things you can do to repurpose your old Android tablet and make […]

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Android malware affecting Google Play

A new Android malware is attacking sensitive files at some of the largest corporations in the U.S. and Europe. Companies that use BYOD programs are particularly vulnerable to infection of the malware, which comes from the DressCode family. Find out more about this malicious malware and how you can protect yourself from it.

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What is Android Pay and how do you use it?

In 2014, less than 10 percent of American consumers listed cash as their preferred payment type. Most of us live and breathe by those slim plastic cards, so it was only a matter of time until they were merged with our other plastic lifelines — smartphones.

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Huawei tapped by Google for its next tablet

In a bombshell announcement for the non-Apple gadget geeks, reports are surfacing that Google plans to team up with Huawei to build its next Nexus Android tablet. Up until last year, Huawei’s relationship with Google has been limited to manufacturing the Google Nexus 6P phone.

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The top 9 updates from Android Nougat

When an archaeologist discovers relics of a long-forgotten dynasty, mixed emotions ensue. The thrill of stumbling upon something untouched intertwines with a slight dread of working with something you know nothing about. The same notion is applicable to smartphones, in particular, operating system updates.

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Android users threatened by Linux bug

In the Trojan War, a wooden horse wheeled into the city of Troy. Once night fell, the Greek army crept out of the hollow stallion and opened the city’s gates. Having breached the mighty fortress, the entire regiment eventually sealed their victory against the Trojans and won the war.

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Free up Android space with these 6 tips

Living in today’s mobile world, you want everything on the go with you: from songs to photos and videos of your most cherished moments, not forgetting all the latest apps, and all of a sudden, you run out of storage space. Before you start to get panic, try reading some of the tips below on […]

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